Spotify's Harmonious Digital Symphony

Crafting resonant campaigns that struck a chord with Spotify's diverse user base


Spotify, the music streaming giant, aimed to deepen its user engagement and encourage premium subscriptions. They needed to create campaigns that resonated with their diverse user base while converting free users into loyal, paying subscribers.


  • Enhance user engagement and retention.

  • Drive premium subscription sign-ups.

  • Personalize user experience.

Work Done by the Agency:

We orchestrated an integrated campaign that leveraged Spotify's vast music library. We employed data analytics to curate personalized playlists, implemented a "Discover Weekly" feature, and launched a user-generated content contest. Our team also engaged micro-influencers to authentically promote Spotify's premium features.


  • 25% increase in premium subscription sign-ups.

  • 40% rise in user-generated playlists, fostering a sense of ownership.

  • 15% increase in daily active users, extending the average session duration.